It is 17th October 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr. The readings are from Romans 3:21-30; and the Gospel from Luke 11:47-54. Segregating, separating, dividing and disfiguring people directly opposes our faith in Jesus. Our witness or testimony of faith has to be demonstrated in our unwavering faith […]

It is 16th October 2019. We celebrate the memorials of Saint Hedwig, and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, religious. The readings are from Romans 2:1-11; and the Gospel from Luke 11:42-46. To be a witness of faith one needs to avoid scathingly unjust judgements on others. Just because we believe and worship God, we must not […]

It is 15th October 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Teresa of Avila, Virgin and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Romans 1:16-25; and the Gospel from Luke 11:37-41. To bear witness to our faith means to live a moral, ethical and spiritual life. St. Paul teaches us in the first reading […]

It is 14th October 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Callistus I. Pope and martyre. The readings are from Romans 1:1-7; and the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32. We all have a mission to accomplish being a witness to our faith. The first reading presents us the mission that is entrusted us all. We are called […]

It is 13th October 2019. We celebrate the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from 2 Kings 5:14-17; the second reading is from 2 Timothy 2:8-13; and the Gospel from Luke 17:11-19. In this week, we will concentrate on the theme of being witnesses of faith and bearing testimonies to our faith. His […]

It is 12th October 2019. The readings are from Joel 4:12-21; and the Gospel from Luke 11:27-28. No one is exempted from God’s judgement. On a day that is known to God alone, all of us, good and bad, holy and sinful, the faithful and the ministers and all people have to gather before God. […]

It is 11th October 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St. John XXIII, Pope. As we are having a special devotion to Mary during this extraordinary missionary month, the saint of the day stands tall with his great devotion to Mother Mary. Even though he achieved many things within those five year of his papacy, […]

It is 10th October 2019. The readings are from Malachi 3:13-20; and the Gospel from Luke 11:5-13. To be good and faithful are not spiritual gambling. At times, we get frustrated for being honest, trusting and believing in God in relations to what we see on the ground. We easily give up on God when […]

It is 9th October 2019. We celebrate the memorials of Saints Denis and John Leonardi, martyrs. The readings are from Jonah 4:1-11; and the Gospel from Luke 11:1-4. Our prayer needs to bridge the gap between principles and practical in line with the one’s belief and actions. It is the prayer that offers the inner […]

It is 8th October 2019. The readings are from Jonah 3:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 10:38-42. Our affirmatively positive response is the one God deserves for calling us to be missionaries. God’s call is constant until it demands are met. The first reading inspires us to respond to God enthusiastically like Jonah. God wants […]