Our prosperity comes by listening and living the commandments of God

May the Lord continue to bless with peace and grace in the Holy Spirit. It is 18th June

May the Lord continue to bless with peace and grace in the Holy Spirit.

It is 18th June 2022. We reflect on 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 and Matthew 6:19-23

Cared or scared?

The insecurity haunts most of us that make us extremely scared of everything including us than to care. God offers the unquestionable security round the clock yet, many of us do not either believe in it or looking for better options for wealth, career, and pleasures. Pleasing God and wealth are impossible. We end up depriving one of loving the other. Our prosperity comes by listening and living the commandments of God. The downfall of humanity is feeling the insecurity in God and searching for better security elsewhere.

Whenever we listen to misleading voices, either we mislead others or deprive the best of others. King Joash murdered the son of the priest who had saved his life. when there are too many advisers in our life, we endanger the lives of people around us and ourselves. What we think is an inspiration from the close associates could turn mostly into a conspiracy. When we trust people, possession and power like Joash, the king, we would lose what we treasure dearly. “Leaving Joash severely wounded, his servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of the priest Jehoiada, and they killed him on his bed.” (2 Kgs. 11:20).

Jesus too admonishes that if our hearts begin to worship and serve wealth, we find it hard to prostrate before God. By constantly facing our worries and fears, we feel the presence of God nearby. By worrying, we merely get scared and rarely feel cared for. “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Mt.6:23). May God grant us the courage the embrace the day without fear and worry. May God bless you.


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