Our Church is built on the apostolic foundations, and sacrifices of the Apostles

  It is 28th October 2020.  We celebrate the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude the Apostles.  St


It is 28th October 2020.  We celebrate the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude the Apostles.  St Jude is known as the patron saint for hopeless cases and St Simon is known as the zealot. The readings are from Ephesians 2:19-22; and the Gospel from Luke 6:12-19.

God needs people to spread the Good News that Jesus is the Saviour and the Way to God.  God chooses the abode and the dwelling place to be the Church and our individual human bodies as the temple.  Our Church is built on the apostolic foundations, and sacrifices of the Apostles.

St. Paul confesses that the faith, confession and proclamation of the Apostles as the most trusted persons for disseminating the message of Christ.

The feast invites each one of us to believe the apostolic foundation and be part of it by our active participation in coming closer to God and to the suffering humanity.  By living in unity and promoting truth and justice, the Church continues to echo the voice of the Lord amidst all opposition and hatred towards the Church.  It is not soft paddling that helps the Church to reach the other shore rather having empathetic listening to all different and dissenting voices within the community, family and countries around.  Through the intercessions of the Apostles Jude and Simon, the Church could accommodate every person with their choices and stand they take in their respective field promoting lives and safeguarding humanity especially every human person beyond all shades and shapes by all means.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “Their message goes out through all the earth.” (Ps.19:4).

Jesus calls and chooses 12 men for a special task and to accompany Him intimately in order lead others to God.  This is the most important decision Jesus made by committing in prayer and discernment.  In our lives too, in every choice we make, we need to get the help of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of God.  We too are chosen by the same Lord for the spreading the Good News to all people without prejudice and pressure.  By the virtue of Baptism, we too are sent into the world in spreading and sharing the love and mercy of Jesus.  Let us begin the journey of proclamation and evangelization right from our families and communities.  May God bless you to respond to the call of Jesus to be generous and contributing in spreading the Gospel by our life.  Have a lovely day.



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