We need faith, truth and charity that bring the blessings of God to identity the evil around and appreciate the goodness in others

  It is 29th October 2020.  The readings are from Ephesians 6:10-20; and the Gospel from Luke 13:31-35.


It is 29th October 2020.  The readings are from Ephesians 6:10-20; and the Gospel from Luke 13:31-35.

To be good, innocence of heart alone is not enough, but we need faith, truth and charity that bring the blessings of God to identity the evil around and appreciate the goodness in others.

Life is indeed a struggle for most of us.  At times we tend to give in so easily without realising our worth and the power we are endowed with.

But at time we spend all our resources fighting with the ones in our families, and communities missing the real enemy we all need to fight with.  The conflicts and warfare we face are not merely economical, psychological and political but we need to recognise the evil and sin that bring about the pain we go through daily.  The indifference we have towards injustice and uncharitable acts done to the downtrodden are the evil, we need to work on.

In the first reading St. Paul encourages us to put on the armour of truth, justice, peace along with faith that offers the spiritual resilience to stand up and fight against all satanic warfare.  We all need to be prepared to evangelize at all times using the word of God as the sword and constantly listening to the subtle promptings of the Holy Spirit guided through persistent prayers.  Yielding to God in all we do and say lessen the burdens of evil and sin.   The responsorial Psalm praises, “Blessed be the Lord, my Rock.” (Ps.143:1).

Jesus laments in the Gospel about how He loves to gather all people on the contrary people choose to scatter and resist any good from Him.  There is something in our lives to block and resist Jesus and His words.  Let us recognise them and allow the Lord to rule our lives.  May  you have a good day.

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