It is 16th November 2016. The readings are from Rev. 4:1-11; and the Gospel from Luke 19:11-28. The first reading presents the vision and the glory of Heaven with innumerable symbolism. St. John sees the vision of Heaven. It is given in two parts. One part will be reflected today and the rest will be […]
It is 15th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Albert the Great, the Bishop and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Rev. 3:1-6, 14-22; and the Gospel from Luke 19:1-10. The first reading speaks about the church of Sardis and Laodicea. Those who live in Sardis are warned to wake up […]
It is 13th November 2016. We celebrate the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Malachi 3:19-20; and the second reading is from 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12; and the Gospel is from Luke 21:5-19. The readings all point out toward the end times, our personal physical end on earth and the second coming of […]
It is 12th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Josaphat, Bishop and the Martyr. He held firmly to Catholic unity against the Orthodox and just as firmly to Byzantine rights against the Latins. He is the great martyr to the cause of unity. The readings are from 3 John 5-8; and the Gospel […]
It is 10th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Pope St Leo the Great, the Pope and the Doctor of the Church, who stood firmly against the doctrinal controversy regarding the person of Jesus Christ. He affirmed and taught that the human and divine natures of Christ are both present and inseparable. The readings […]
It is 9th November 2016. We celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. The readings are from Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; and the second reading is from 1Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; and the Gospel from John 2:13-22. We will be wondering why we are celebrating a feast day for a building. This is […]
It is 7th November 2016. The readings are from the letter of St. Paul to Titus 1:1-9; and the Gospel from Luke 17:1-6. In the first reading St. Paul instructs Titus to choose the elders with the specific character which suits to serve God’s Church. Titus was the most trusted co-worker of Paul in his […]