It is 7th April 2017. It is the First Friday of the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us go for a sincere confession today and participate in the Eucharistic celebration and receive the Holy Communion. We too celebrate the memorial of Saint John Baptist de la Salle, priest and educator. […]

It is 6th April 2017. The readings are from Genesis 17:3-9; and the Gospel from John 8:51-59. The readings bring out the greatness of Jesus as the Lord and God even before our ancestors ever brought forth into the world. God assures Abraham all the blessings in the first reading as long as he is […]

It is 5th April 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Vincent Ferrer, the Priest. He is the patron saint for the builders and for the reconciliation. The readings are from Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25, 28; and the Gospel from John 8:31-42. The first reading teaches us that when we believe in the Truth, no lies […]

It is 4th April 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Isidore, the Bishop and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Numbers 21:4-9; and the Gospel from John 8:21-30. Lifting up God in our lives brings the desired healing to our beings. People of Israel lifted their eyes to God and so […]

It is 3rd April 2017. The readings are from Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; and the Gospel from John 8:1-11. The finger of God is busy writing at the background when the unjust condemns us unfairly. When our fingers are pointing out on someone, God’s finger is pointing towards our consciences. God will not let […]

It is 1st April 2017. The readings are from Jeremiah 11:18-20; and the Gospel from John 7:40-53. The passion and the sufferings of Christ is coming closer to our meditation through the first reading. “For I have committed my cause to you.” (Jer.11:20). The pain and suffering of the innocent will not go unnoticed by […]

It is 31st March 2017. The readings are from Wisdom 2:1, 12-22; and the Gospel from John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30. It is the time to change, and to have a new feel about ourselves and others. We must let go the way we have let go off our sinful living. Lent is the time to […]

It is 30th March 2017. The readings are from Exodus 32:7-14; and the Gospel from John 5:31-47. There is always another chance with God when we repent. When there is someone like Moses interceding for our cause, we must not hesitate to return to the Lord. The first reading presents us with the stubborn unbelief […]

It is 29th March 2017. The readings are from Isaiah 49:8-15; and the Gospel from John 5:17-30. God offers a hope-filled vision from Isaiah. The first reading is the most consoling message that sounds too good for those who are in pain, hunger, thirst, incurable sickening conditions, disappointment, and feeling left out and sidelined by […]

It is 27th March 2017. The readings are from Isaiah 65:17-21; and the Gospel from John 4:43-54. From today the liturgy concentrates on the resurrection and life of Christ. The first reading promise all the blessings and happiness for all those who love God. God wants us to be happy and be blessed only in […]

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