It is 10th March 2018. The readings are from Hosea 5:15-6:6; and the Gospel from Luke 18:9-14. Are we faking our penance and sacrifices? The readings address the true and false penance as we are in the Lent. Our fasting, praying, mortifying, penance and sacrifice needs a sincere and honest intentions in our hearts. Our […]
It is 9th March 2018. The readings are from Hosea 14:2-10; and the Gospel from Mark 12:28-34. God laments through the prophet Hosea telling God’s people reminding them about His mercy and faithfulness and calling them to be back to Him. God promises God’s mercy and assuring them showers of blessings despite their fallenness, transgressions […]
It is 8th March 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. John of God, Religious. It is the International Women’s day too. Let us pray for all women who brought us this far in our lives. Their contributions cannot be reduced to mere words. May the Lord bless all women and provide them love, security […]
It is 7th March 2018. The readings are from Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:17-19. God expects us to do certain things in our lives to be peaceful and happy. Our wisdom and prudence strengthened only by following what God demands from us. The laws and statues God has put forth for […]
It is 6th March 2018. The readings are from Daniel 3:25, 34-43; and the Gospel from Matthew 18:21-35. The first reading is the prayer of Azariah in which he reminds God why God has to be merciful and compassionate. He pleads God to be merciful and forgiving their sins. Sins bring pain and eventually death. […]
It is 4th March 2018. We celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. The readings are Exodus 20:1-17; the second reading is from 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; and the Gospel from John 2:13-25. We are invited to reflect what corrupts our souls and spiritual growth. It is when we least bothered about our moral certitude and ends […]
It is 2nd March 2018. It is the First Friday of the Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The readings are from Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; and the Gospel from Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46. Let us not be afraid of greedy and selfish siblings and people who constantly plot against us and reject us […]
It is 1st March 2018. The readings are from Jeremiah 17:5-10; and the Gospel from Luke 16:19-31. What does our wealth and riches do to our hearts and souls? It makes us relaying on the fleeting power, influence and prominent and influential people leaving God consciously. “I the Lord test the mind and search the […]