It is 4th March 2018. We celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. The readings are Exodus 20:1-17; the second reading is from 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; and the Gospel from John 2:13-25. We are invited to reflect what corrupts our souls and spiritual growth. It is when we least bothered about our moral certitude and ends up living like everything-goes mentality hurts us and misleads the ones who place the trust in us. When we ignore the proposed guiding principles by God and the Church, we choose to live the way we wish, we end up forgetting to clean our inner sanctuary. Gradually, we would like to make ourselves so busy cleaning the mess in others forgetting our own sins that is eating our core. We love to meet up with many people and refusing to encounter God when we less care about our spiritual well-being. Lent is the right time to examine whether we have made the temples of God, our inner sanctuaries, filled with rubbish allowing all the merchants of the pleasures to invade the space that belongs to God alone. The first reading presents us with the Ten Commandments, a minimal guideline to keep our lives clean of all corruption. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “Lord, you have the words of everlasting life.” (Jn. 6:68c). St. Paul gently reminds us, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” (1 Cor.1:25). God perceives our inner soul and judges our conduct completely different from all the people whom we know. The Gospel presents us to reflect about the action of Jesus who drove the money changers out of the Temple. This is what Jesus does to our souls during the Lent reminding us that we must not engage ourselves in material world rather to take care of the spiritual self. Jesus is the temple in Him through spirit and truth we worship God. In His Light, we see God the Light. Let us look at our inner sanctuary and see whether it is encroached by the unwanted people and things. It is time to clean our inner sanctuaries during this sacred time of the year. It is the humble service and profound love to the humanity helps us clean our inner sanctuary. We can never continue to be a faithful and committed Catholic without love and service. May the Lord give us the courage to clean ourselves before we wish to clean the communities. May you have a good day.

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