It is 2nd March 2018. It is the First Friday of the Month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The readings are from Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28; and the Gospel from Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46. Let us not be afraid of greedy and selfish siblings and people who constantly plot against us and reject us and make us feel less than human. God stands by us no matter in whom we trusted and abused and cheated. In God’s time, God heals the wounds of us and make us shining in front of the humanity. The first reading about the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his very own brothers. and the episode of Jesus who was rejected, plotted, and abused reminds us all that we have God on our side in times like these. It is impossible to deal with the abuse and greed that caused by the greedy, selfish and sinful people who destroyed so many human lives and made many people speechless, sleepless and peace less culminating them to be considered mentally unfit. There are siblings, parents, friends who have protected some individuals of their liking in our families and silenced the truth and development in their own kith and kin. Even now there are brothers and sisters from our own families have pushed one or two-family members into a dry, empty and deep hole of depression and darkness and tagged them as mentally unfit. This abuse and rejection still so fresh in the minds of many families. Just like Joseph, the youngest child went through a systematic abuse, rejection and silencing until they got rid of him in slavery. People can do their dirty tricks and planning to silence us and ditch us by pushing us in the dry wells of hopelessness and horrifying darkness of feeling left out by everyone. Jacob was sold by his own brothers for 20 pieces of silver while Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver by his own companion and comrade. But God sends people of good will, love and affection in the vineyard of hope, peace and joy in our lives. God never forgets us when we are rejected and abused by the very loved ones in whom we put our trust. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Remember the wonders the Lord has done.” (Ps.104:5). We are all strengthen and assured by the example of Jesus that God’s doing is not so easy to understand by the human minds. This story is all about the missed opportunity of loving and caring the others and dealing with a betrayal of trust, and ingratitude for being the best one could be. We are strongly reminded that whether we are like these greedy brothers and tenants who only thought of themselves and abusing the others and the resources of God. How much our pride, greed and selfishness have destroyed our siblings, friends and relatives so far? May the Lord help us to live every moment without selfishness and sinfulness and using every opportunity to unfold with love and peace. May you have a good day.

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