It is 20th December 2015. It is 4th Sunday in Advent. The readings are from Mic.5:2-5a; Heb.10:5-10 and the Gospel from Lk.1:39-45. The first reading promises the great things to come. From a humble town comes the mighty King. The Messiah will be the true shepherd of Israel. “He shall be peace.” (Mic.5:4). God brings […]
It is 19th December 2015. The readings are from Judg.13:2-7, 24-25a and the Gospel from Lk.1:5-25. The first reading illustrates the conception of Samson. God prepared the mother to have a son whose name was Samson. He is set apart for God’s work and will be a judge and leader of the nation. He was […]
It is 18th December 2015. The readings are from Jer.23:5-8 and the Gospel from Matthew 1:18-24. The first reading assures that a descendent of the king David will reign as king. This king will be wise, honest and just unlike the kings before Babylonian captivity. “In his days Judah will be saved and Israel dwell […]
It is 17th December 2015. The readings are from Genesis 49:2, 9-10 and the Gospel from Matthew 1:1-17. The first reading from the first book of the Bible presents the blessings as well as the prophecy. Jacob prophesied that the scepter of Judah pass through until rests in Him whom it belongs. “The scepter shall […]
It is 15th December 2015. The readings are from Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13 and the Gospel from Matthew 21:28-32. In the first reading God promises the people of Israel that God will go out of God’s way to clean up the personal lives. But the people of Israel remained stubborn, self-willed and rebellious. They found it […]
It is 14th December 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. John of the Cross, the Priest and the Doctor. He is known as the ‘mystic of the mystics.’ The readings are from Num.24:2-7, 15-17a and the Gospel from Mt. 21:23-27. The first reading describes how the king of Moab urged Balaam to curse the […]
It is 13th December 2015. We celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent which is traditionally called as Gaudete Sunday. The readings are from Zep. 3:14-18a; Phil.4:4-7 and the Gospel from Lk.3:10-18. The first reading promises that the Lord will forgive God’s people and God will redeem them from all their enemies. God is in our […]
It is 12th December 2015. We celebrate the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mother of God appeared to a poor Mexican Indian, Juan Diego in 1531 in Mexico. Our Lady spoke the native tongue and appeared as a native Indian princess. Million of natives got converted by this miraculous appearance of our Lady to […]
It is 11th December 2015. The readings are from Is. 48:17-19 and the Gospel from Mt.11:16-19. The first reading clarifies that our happiness would be better when we obey the commandments of the Lord. It all depends on our response to God in keeping the laws of God. The blessings of peace and integrity is […]
It is 10th December 2015. The readings are from Is.41:13-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 11:11-15. The first reading instils hope to the people who were returning from exile. God offers so much hope to people. God will redeem us. It is not the human agent like Persian king Cyrus become the redeemer rather it […]