It is 6th August 2020.  We celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  The readings are from Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; the second reading from 2 Peter 1:16-19; and the Gospel from Matthew 17:1-9. Life is full of experiences.  Many of them pass by and a few passes through our lives.  Some experiences […]

  It is 5th August 2020.  We celebrate the Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major. The readings are from Jeremiah 31:1-7; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:21-28. “I will be the God of all the families, and they shall be my people.” (Jer.31:1). There is a constant attack on the foundations and faith […]

  It is 4th August 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St John Mary Vianney, Priest.  The readings are from Jeremiah 31:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:1-2, 10-14 Our choices are influenced by the voices we hear.  Hope is the only choice that allows us to follow the Lord’s voice be healthy […]

  It is 3rd August 2020. The readings are from Jeremiah 28:1-17; and the Gospel from Matthew 14:22-36. The oxygen of our life is prayer.  Prayerless life perishes in lies.  Prayer allows us to go after truth.  Prayer prepares us to embrace and radiate the rays of truth.  Truth is blunt, and it hurts yet […]

It is 2nd August 2020.  The readings are from Isaiah 55:1-3; the second reading is from Romans 8:35, 37-39; and the Gospel from Matthew 14:13-21. God is concerned about us.  To find meaning in life is to find God.  God’s perception is wider than our narrow and selfish receptions. God’s mercy moves in to fill […]

  It is 1st August 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24; and the Gospel from Matthew 14:1-12. We who live by faith and mercy of God always protected by the amnesty of God. In the first reading, the prophet […]

  It is 31st July 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St Ignatius of Loyola, Priest. The readings are from Jeremiah 26:1-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 13:54-58. When false ideas and persons appear to be attractive and appealing, we choose to close our heart to truth, mercy, and love. Shortage of trust creates a […]

  It is 30th July 2020.  we celebrate the memorial of St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Jeremiah 18:1-6; and the Gospel from Matthew 13:47-53. Our motives are moulded in the wheel of God’s intentions. We are in the Hands of God, the Potter of our lives.  “Like […]

  It is 29th July 2020.  We celebrate the Memorial of St Martha of Bethany, Virgin. The readings are from 1 John 4:7-16; and the Gospel is from John 11:19-27 Unwavering faith never become murkier by the violent storms and dust of human life. Unless we confess the Life, we cannot construct our lives. “God […]

  It is 28th July 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. Alphonsa Muttathupadathu, Virgin. The readings are from Jeremiah 14:17-22; and the Gospel from Matthew 13:36-43. God is our only hope even when we breathe in hopelessness all around. “We set our hope on you, for it is you who do all this.” (Jer.14:22).  […]