Baptism of the Lord invites us to revisit our promises we made to the Lord on the day of Baptism

  It is 10th January 2020.  We celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and it


It is 10th January 2020.  We celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and it is the First Sunday in Ordinary Time

The readings are from Isaiah 55:1-11; the second reading is rom 1 John 5:1-9; and the Gospel from Mark 1:7-11.

The Office of Readings for Friday of the Easter Octave presents the Baptism this way. “Now that you have been baptised into Christ and have put on Christ, you have become conformed to the Son of God…since you share in Christ, it is right to call you ‘Christs’ or anointed ones… You have become ‘Christs’ by receiving the sign of Holy Spirit…When you emerged from the pool of sacred waters you were anointed in a manner corresponding to Christ’s anointing.

We wrap up the Christmas Season with this feast and remembering the third epiphany of the Lord.  Baptism of the Lord invites us to revisit our promises we made to the Lord on the day of Baptism.  The Baptism of the Lord brought us closer to the Holy Trinity and made us children of God.

Most of us were baptised as a new born children.  Very few of us remember the day of our Baptism and the priest who baptised and the parish we belonged.  We think of our Baptism when we need the certificate for the other Sacraments.  Since we do not know the significance of the Baptism in our life, we do not live up to the demands of the Sacrament.  Moreover, the catechesis we had from our parish, school, our parents, and teachers shaped and strengthened us to be the person we are in front of the Lord. Our Sponsors and parents promised the Church to lead us to Christ.  Do we know the names of our Sponsors and how many of us are still guided by them even today? Do not forget to call the priest who baptised you and express your gratitude for bringing you closer to Christ, the Church, and the humanity.   It is the day we are invited to think about our own Baptism and the responsibilities attached to it yet to be fulfilled in our lives.

Baptism is not for mere cleansing of sins alone rather it is an act expecting us to brining Christ from our life as we are born anew, a new creation and a new birth in Christ.  Baptism is the Sacrament of initiation and our subsequent action is vital to show the world who we believe in.  Our Baptism is only a first step towards the eternal life.  After the Baptism, we all need to walk in the light of Christ and

Prophet Isaiah boldly points out that we are to be the witness, the model, and the leader of the others by our life.  Returning to the Lord and constantly leaving our sinful ways because of the waters of Baptism.  “See, I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and commander for the peoples.” (Is.55:4).

A parish priest visited a home to know why they were not coming to the Church.  The answer Mr. Antony gave shocked the priest.  He told the priest that he and his family are saved now and new-born Christian and have come closer to Christ.  He added that he has become the pastor and preacher.  This we notice in many parishes today.  Who do we need to blame? The Church, the priest, or people.  The answer is that lack of on-going catechesis for the people make them to look for something outside the mother Church that initiated them to have faith in Christ.  We may justify ourselves going to tele evangelist, the spirit-filled churches, but we may be mistaken that we might in a wrong direction and route.

All three readings mention the significance of water in the life of a believer.  Water cleanses us from the original sin.  Water symbolizes the presence of the Holy Spirit begins to rest in the Church and the people who are baptised.  The meaning and purpose of the Baptism of the Lord is different from that of ours.  He immersed into the water of Jordan not to cleanse Himself from sin but to purify the waters through which we are saved.  Through the baptismal water, Jesus entered our human situation and brought us closer to God.  God, the Father praised Him through the Holy Spirit as the Beloved Son made us all sons and daughters of God.

Yes, we are cleansed, anointed, and chosen to go out into the world to do good and continue the mission of Christ.  Most of us are now under tremendous pressure during the pandemic to be faithful to the promises we made during the Sacrament of Baptism.  We are wavering and confronted by mushrooming churches and preachers around.  By changing churches, we are not going to be saved and going to be near God.  It is all our way of life and attitude and faithfulness to Christ that matters to change our lives with the blessings of Baptism.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.” (Is.12:3).

Our love for God needs to be seen in our acts of mercy, love, and peace.  St. John confesses that waters of baptism is alone not enough to save us but the faith in the One supreme and unparallel sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross leading to sacrifice our lives for the welfare of the others.  The effects of the Baptism are the removal of the guilt of both Original sin and our personal sin, the remission of all punishment we would have suffered on account of sins, the infusion of sanctifying grace through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and three theological virtues such as faith, hope and charity, becoming the part of the mystical Body of Christ, the Church and the final and most mysterious effect of Baptism is to receive a permanent, irremovable character or seal. Baptism imparts a likeness to Christ, especially to Christ the priest.

A baptism is symbolic act leading us to have greater influence in our personal life leaving sin and constantly repenting from sinful life and all that makes us to move away from Christ.  The Sacrament of Baptism invites us to have a radical change in our lives.

The Gospel recounts the Baptism of the Lord by John the Baptist narrated by St. Mark.  “And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” (Mk.1:11).  The open display and approval of God the Father and the Holy Spirit at the waters of Jordan gave Jesus to begin the ministry He intended for God’s people.  The divine intervention of the Holy Trinity suggests the divide between humanity and Heaven no longer exists and God wants to communicate to us through God’s Only Beloved Son Jesus.  It is new journey, relationship, and birth for us all as Jesus was baptised.

It is our consistent yes to the Lord and by connecting ourselves to the cause of the poor, the afflicted, the sorrowful, the marginalised, we mirror and reflect Christ in our life.  The Baptism we received is for the beginning of ministries for the Church and humanity not as a symbol of pride and glory.  May God help us to bring out Christ in all we do and say.  Wishing you all a happy feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Have a good day.  God bless you all.

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