It is 29th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 10:32-39; and the Gospel from Mark 4:26-34. Never step back in hoping and being optimistic in doing good. As the first reading suggests that we all have gone through in our life so much.  We have done so much good to the others yet being […]

It is 28th January 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Hebrews 10:19-25; and the Gospel from Mark 4:21-25. Encouragement and appreciation are key to interpersonal relationship.  What we believe needs to be put into practice by our hopeful behaviour and attitudes.  We […]

It is 27th January 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Angela Merici, Virgin and founder. The readings are from Hebrews 10:11-18; and the Gospel from Mark 4:1-20. Unlike the priests of the old who offered repeatedly the sacrifice of sin, Jesus offered Himself as a fragrant offering to the Father and sat near the […]

It is 26th January 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops.  The readings are from 2 Timothy 1:1-8 and the Gospel from Luke 10:1-9. As we celebrate the feast of St. Paul, who recognised the strength and support from Timothy and Titus. We are the partners and co-workers as brothers and […]

It is 25th January 2021. We celebrate the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul, Apostle. The readings are from Acts 22:3-16 and the Gospel from Mark 16:15-18. Saul’s conversion is incredible in the way it unfolded on the road to Damascus.  He boasted about his erudition on Jewish connection and customs.  He was torturing […]

  It is 24th January 2021.  We celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God known as the Bible Sunday.   The readings are from Jonah 3:1-5, 10; the second reading is from 1Corinthians 7:29-31; and the Gospel from Mark 1:14-20. Repentance is possible for us all when we are ready to adhere the words of […]

It is 21st January 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Agnes, virgin, and martyr.  At the age of 12 she was martyred.  She holds a lamb and a palm.  She is the patron for girls.  At any point of life, we can be holy.  It is not our effort, but it is the gift […]

It is 20th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; and the Gospel from Mark 3:1-6. To find a solution for an issue, we do not need to fight. Jesus is our High Priest who never stops doing good to us even when we have decided to forget Him. The first reading emphasis […]

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