It is 26th February 2021. The readings are from Ezekiel 18:21-28; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:20-26. Lent is the time to take responsibility for our spiritual tiredness and igniting the flame of love and forgiveness.  Fear is the major obstacles to have our interior conversion.  Sin evaporates the interests and enthusiasm to return to […]

It is 25th February 2021.  We celebrate the feast of 36th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Abu Dhabi. It is a significant day, since the liturgical calendar ranks it as a feast throughout the Vicariate. It is where the Bishop has a special place, and we celebrate our life […]

It is 24th February 2021. The readings are from Jonah 3:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32. Having reflected about prayer, we are invited to focus on penance and God’s mercy enveloped in forgiveness. It is indeed time to return to the Lord.  Returning physically, emotionally and spiritually.  We need to come back to God, […]

It is 23rd February 2021. The readings are from Isaiah 55:10-11; and the Gospel from Matthew 6:7-15. A visiting Chinese man in India was complaining while he travelled around the country about the speed of the transportation.  He told an auto-driver that the buses, the trains are travelling very slow while in China they are […]

It is 22nd February 2021. We celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St Peter, Apostle. The readings are from 1 Peter 5:1-4; and the Gospel from Matthew 16:13-19. “Be an example that the whole flock can follow.” (1 Pet 5:3).  This is the invitation to an individual, a family and the community.  To lead […]

  It is 21st February 2021.  We celebrate the First Sunday of Lent with the theme of temptation. The readings are from Genesis 9:8-15; the second reading is from 1Peter 3:18-22; and the Gospel from Mark 1:12-15. At the outset of the Lent we are led to ruminate over the time of temptations and deviations […]

It is 20th February 2021.  The readings are from Isaiah 58:9-14; and the Gospel from Luke 5:27-32. During the Lent, God promises a special and favorable blessing to all who are willing to think of the poor, the vulnerable and the marginalized. Our fasting strengthens the bones of the poor and fills the empty stomach […]

It is 19th February 2021.    The readings are from Isaiah 58:1-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:14-15. In every one of us there is light, fire and warmth inside of us.  This begins to burn, enlighten and embrace when we recognize the need of the other more than our wants.  There is a new way […]

It is  18th February 2021.  The readings are from Deuteronomy 30:15-20; and the Gospel from Luke 9:22-25. What is the one thing would I like to deal with or to get rid of it during this time of Lent?   We are not expected to be a saint over night or just during the season of […]

It is 17th February 2021.  We celebrate the Ash Wednesday as we begin the inward journey of meeting God and assessing our relationship with one another in a community and family we live in. The readings are from Joel 2:12-18; the second reading is from 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2; and the Gospel from Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. […]

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