May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 30th November 2021. We celebrate the feast of St. Andrew, whose example of being open to the call of Jesus is the proof of profound faith in Jesus to leave the harbinger of the Lord to follow Him alone.  Andrew […]

May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 29th November 2021. We reflect on Isaiah 2:1-5 and Matthew 8:5-11. The acknowledgement of our unworthiness is always noticed and blessed by God.  As we value ourselves as the child of God, so we do not hesitate to spell […]

Good morning good people may the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 28th November 2021.  We celebrate the first week of Advent.  We reflect on Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2; and Luke 21:25-28, 34-36. We begin a new liturgical time, the season of Advent We begin the […]

may the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 27th November 2021. We reflect on Daniel 7: 15-27 and Luke 21: 34-36. As we gratefully conclude the liturgical year with this Eucharistic banquet, we are filled with hope and gently reminded that we need to “watch at all times, […]

Dear people of God may the Lord give you grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 26th November 2021. We reflect on Daniel 7:2-14 and Luke 21:29-33. God’s Word and Reign will never end.  Whatever happens in front and around us, however terrifying it could be, yet God has the final say […]

May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 25th November 2021.  We reflect on Daniel 6:12-28 and Luke 21:20-28. Have you ever regrated for believing?  Have ever felt faith is useless?  Have you ever thought about to give up on faith?  Today’s readings help us to strengthen […]

May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 24th November 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of Vietnamese Saints Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs.  We reflect on Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28 and the Gospel of Luke 21:12-19. Life is indeed the opportunity to bring out the […]

May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 23rd November 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Clement, I, Pope and Martyr. We reflect on Daniel 2:31-45 and the Gospel of Luke 21:5-11. Cheaters are everywhere.  Within the family, the church, and in workplaces, we have people […]

May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 22nd November 2021. We celebrate the memorial of St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr.  She is well known as the patron of musicians and choirs since the 16th century. We reflect on Daniel 1:1-6, 8-20 and the Gospel of Luke […]

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. We celebrate Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time as the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. As we conclude the liturgical time of the ordinary time and are ready to enter the Advent, the celebration grants us hope, consolation and […]

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