May the Lord grant you grace and peace in the Risen Lore. It is 19th April 2023. We reflect on Acts 5:17-26; and John 3:16-21. Are you liberated or lacerated? When we work for the Lord, God sends God’s angels to set us free from all that people put us through.  No prison can hold […]

May the Lord grant you grace and peace in the Risen Lore. It is 18th April 2023.  We reflect on Acts 4:32-37 and John 3:7-15. Are you part of an ideal community or an idle one? We are living in a time when our communitarian care and love needs to be seen in all our […]

May the Lord grant you grace and peace in the Risen Lore. It is 17th April 2023. We reflect on Acts 4:23-31 and John 3:1-8. Are you born-again in grace or buried-again and again in sin? “Being born again means letting the Spirit enter into us.  Prayer is what opens the door to the Spirit […]

Dear People of God, May the Divine Mercy forgive you and grant you grace to continue the good works you do. It is 16th April 2023.  We celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday.  The readings are from Acts 2:42-47; the second reading is from 1 Peter 1:3-9; and the Gospel from […]

May the Risen Lord grant you the Paschal Joy of Easter. We reflect on Acts 3:11-26 and Luke 24:35-48. Are we in peace or in pieces? Or  Are we blaming God or at peace when things do not work the way we wish? Cardinal Newman prayed like this: “Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance […]

May the Risen Lord bless you with Paschal joy.    It is 12th April 2023. We reflect on Acts 3:1-10 and Luke 24:13-35. Do we have Jesus to give those in need? We have Jesus to share with those around us.  Unless we spell our faith in the Risen Lord, we might end up spill it. […]

May the Risen Lord bless you with Paschal joy.  It is 11th April 2023.  We reflect on Acts 2:36-41 and  John 20:11-18. “Brothers and sisters, what should we do?” (Acts.2:37). St. Peter convinced those who put Jesus to death to repent and be baptised, forgive, and receive the Holy Spirit.  He warned them, “Save yourselves […]

May the Risen Lord grant you the Paschal joy.  It is on 10th April 2023.  We reflect on Acts 2:14, 22-33 and Matthew 28:8-15. Joseph Campbell said once, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Are we still afraid of something after the celebration of Easter? There is nothing to fear […]

May the Risen Lord bless you and strengthen you to spread His peace, hope and love to all people. It is on 09th April 2023.  “The Lord is truly risen.  To Him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity, alleluia, alleluia.” Christ is risen!  Alleluia! St. John Paul II once said, “Do […]

Good morning good people. May the Lord give you peace.  We celebrate the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. Are we willing to surrender our life to the Lord? We reflect on Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; and from John 18:1-19:42. Silence falls on the Church as we experience the emptiness and pain that is inflicted […]

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