The Gospel instructs that talent becomes fruitful when it is utilized and shared for higher value and production

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 2nd September 2023.  We reflect

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 2nd September 2023.  We reflect on 1 Thessalonians 4:9-11 and Matthew 25:14-30.

What are we doing with God’s gifts? “To everyone who has, will more be given and in abundance.” Life is one single prospect to appreciate or apprehend the gifts of God. The ideal composition of life is in loving and giving like God.  Unused talents and gifts are impounded by the Giver and handed over to the one who uses them for others. Fear holds back the gifts and reciprocity regenerates it.

In the first reading, St. Paul urges the Thessalonians to stretch their love beyond their known and comfortable territories where they live.  The more we stretch and become altruistic, the more flexible and plausible love becomes.  The more we hide and make our love exclusive, even more love within ourselves constricts and shrinks in each one of us.

St. Paul teaches them that the love they have from God is expandable and inclusive and therefore they must learn to live the Christian life which would attract them to the source of love.  The church must not remain merely a community of worshippers and a community of faith; a productive church needs to be a community of love that includes all people especially the poor, the marginalized, the voiceless, the vulnerable, the broken, the sinful, the immigrants, the oppressed, the ostracized, and the outcast.

A believer must earn respect by being lovable and charitable not by craving for power, influence, and politics.

“Brothers and sisters, to go on making even greater progress and to make a point of living quietly, attending to your own business and earning your living, just as we told you to.” (1 Thes.4:11).

The responsorial invokes, “The Lord comes to rule the people with fairness.” (Ps.97:9).

The Gospel instructs that talent becomes fruitful when it is utilized and shared for higher value and production.

Who is the third person who hides the talent not to be used or seen by others in our family and in our churches?

Are you one of those who hides what God has given you however significant and magnificent in your personal life?

Everything we have and have obtained in this world is for reaching out to someone and attracting others using the resources and talents of God.  God’s love and life in us are the best gifts we have received to draw more earnings profitable for our personal and communal salvation.

May we open our hearts and lives to work committedly to increase what we have received from God.  May you have a good day.

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