Living by the truth is better than deceiving ourselves with lies day by day

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit. It is on 29th August 2023.  We celebrate

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.

It is on 29th August 2023.  We celebrate the memorial of the passion and Beheading of St John the Baptist, the forerunner for the Lord.

Are we speaking out for the truth?

Truth is the light and faith is its flame.  Without truth, faith fades.   “They will fight against you; but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you,” says the Lord to Jeremiah.  To be a witness, it is not enough to speak up but to stand up and live up to the truth.

A saint lived and died standing up for truth.  Not standing up for the truth and expecting someone to stand up for the truth is just equal to murdering the truth.  Standing up for truth, especially against those who abuse power is prophetic.

Speaking up means inviting the liars to hear and face what they would refuse to hear anyway.

Fearing the consequences of speaking up is cowardice and power-seeking and supporting the elements of murderers of truth secretly.  Most of the believers want to be truthful and honest to themselves.  But to speak up the truth in front of society, they all become weak and hide.

Some of us speak the truth only when it is beneficial and rewarding.  Some others speak the truth just attack the other person and assassinate the character of the other.

Where there is charity, there is truth.

To tell the truth and to stand up for the truth, one does not need to hold a position, power, and influence in society.  In most cases, the truth is silenced by power and authority.

Truth struggles to emerge in affluence and in the milieu of Game of Thrones.  Speaking up the truth might cost our lives in some circumstances just like that of St. John the Baptist.

Living by the truth is better than deceiving ourselves with lies day by day.  Being silent does not mean prudence.

To be heard, we do not need to shout.  Tolerating and being indifferent to the pathetic liars is injustice done against the truth.

We reflect on Jeremiah 1:17-19 and Mark 6:17-29.  In the first reading, God wants the Prophet Jeremiah to stand up before the people as, ‘a pillar of iron, and a wall of bronze to confront all.’ God promised the prophet that God would stand by him when he stood up for the truth.  “They will fight against you; but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you.” (Jer.1:19).

The responsorial Psalm prays, “Since my mother’s womb, you have been my strength.” (Ps.71:6).

The Gospel recalls the martyrdom of John the Baptist who spoke the truth against King Herod.  The saint never bowed or backed away from pointing out the truth.

We are living in a world; the people fix prices for truth.  Money-power will never be able to silence the truth for a long time.  The truth will emerge as truth with the help of truthful people who are still around us in the world.  Let us be someone like the saint of the day.

May God who is truth and love reward you.  Have a good day.

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