A beautiful life is possible when time is utilized with a sense of sacredness and serenity.

May the Lord give you peace, grace, and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 23rd September

May the Lord give you peace, grace, and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 23rd September 2022.  We reflect on Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 and Luke 9:18-22.   It is the feast of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, priest.  The most admired and inspired saint of my life.  Through his intercession, many have come closer to Christ, especially those who are childless.

Time wasted is life busted.

Unscheduled life is not worth living.  Life and time are intertwined together.  When one ceases to exist, the other dissolves.  Where time is not valued, life loses its focus and purpose indeed.  Whoever loves life, loves time.  Time management is nothing but an orderliness of life.  A beautiful life is possible when time is utilized with a sense of sacredness and serenity.  Time is history as life is a mystery; both need to be managed with care and respect; otherwise, we might lose them both in a blink of an eye.  Time adds value to life when it is organized and programmed.  Since we have no control over our life, we are given the power to direct our time.  The more we master our time, the more we benefit from life.

There is no suitable time, God’s time, and perfect time.  Every nano, microseconds have beauty, perfection and sacred on its own.  It is the way we use our time that presents meaning and purpose.

Let us make use of God-given time for the glory of God and the welfare of humanity.  In fact, time is too short for us all on earth to be wasted.  Speculations, opinions, and arguments need not rule our time searching for truth, working for justice, and becoming the instrument of peace are the ways we can use our time the way God wants us.  May God grant us wisdom to use time meaningfully to become fruitful in life.  God bless you.

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