It is 03rd September 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Gregory the Great, the Pope and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Col.1:9-14 and the Gospel from Lk.5:1-11. The first reading brings out the importance of the knowledge of God in the lives of Colossians. St. Paul prays and warns the community of the consequences in accumulating knowledge because it is just empty when it is not lived. It is not knowing the Will of God alone would help a person rather to bear fruit in good works. God desires that we know about God in order to believe God and to practice by helping others. St. Paul never met Colossians yet he truly prayed for them. We do not need to know somebody in person so as to pray for them. The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “The Lord has made known his salvation.” (Ps.97:2). The Gospel presents the powerful spiritual encounter and transformation of St. Peter through the miraculous catch of fish. Jesus tested the faith of Peter and wanted the others to see the humility of Peter. As a fisher man, Peter knew what Jesus was asking against his personal experience in the sea. “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” (Lk.5:5). Jesus demanded the obedience of faith from Peter and the conviction that the disciple had a place before God. “Leave Lord, I am a sinful man.” (Lk. 5:8). When we realize our worthlessness, we begin to feel the power of God. Anyone wants to be a missionary must have obedience and humility. May the Lord bless you to be a witness among God’s people. Have a good day.

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