It is 29th December 2015. We are in the fifth day of Christmas. The readings are from 1 John 2:3-11 and the Gospel from Lk.2:22-35. The first reading presents to us a code of conduct which is expected of us as a believer. The commandment to love one another is the one that purifies and perfects us in God. Our union with God is concretely revealed through our love for one another. Love is the light for our soul; hatred is the darkness of our inner beings. There is a serious conflict between love and hatred within us. Our faith in Jesus increases love for others and go beyond the normal expected standards. Whenever we find it hard to love, we accommodate the darkness in us. Our faith in God is demonstrated in the adherence to the commandment of love. The purpose of our human existence is to know God, to love God, to serve God in this life and to live with God happily forever. Our human love for one another is the spark of the divine love which is poured into our hearts through our Lord Jesus. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad.” (Ps.95:11). The Gospel recounts the presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple and the canticle of Simeon. In his advanced age, he could recognise the Messiah and Saviour. Our life must be expectant joy to meet Jesus in every stage of our lives. Recognising Jesus as He is will lead us to the other through love that we share with other.

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