It is 29th April 2016. We celebrate the Feast of St Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, Patroness of Europe. At the age of 28 she received the stigmata and died at the age of 33. She is invoked against fire, deadly diseases and headaches. In her writing titled ‘Dialogue,’ she stresses, “Never consider your past sins except in the light of infinite mercy, so that the memory of them may not discourage you, but may lead you to place your confidence in the infinite value of the Saviour’s merits.” The readings are from 1 John 1:5-2:2; and the Gospel from Matthew 11:25-30. The entrance antiphon prays, “Here is a wise virgin, from among the number of the prudent, who went forth with lighted lamp to meet Christ, alleluia.” The first reading invites us to live in the light of the Risen Lord. So that we will not go wrong and always guided by truth. The responsorial Psalm prays, “O bless the Lord, my soul.” (Ps.103:1). The Gospel mentions two types of people. The wise who are arrogant in their knowledge and the little children with their openness to God’s Word like St. Catherine of Siena. Our knowledge must help us to have a better relationships with God and one another. Knowing involves certain amount of openness to suffering and pain and discomfort. Jesus frees all our burdens such as sin, oppression, persecution, emotional and spiritual fatigue. It is a deep and lasting relationship with God that changes all the void, meaninglessness, and weariness into spiritual energy. May the Lord help us to be open to God’s guidance. Have a good day.

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