It is 30th April 2016. We are celebrating the memorial of Our Lady, Mother of Africa. May our beloved mother Mary intercede for the children of Africa so as to live in dignity, harmony, peace and blessings of the Holy Spirit. The readings are from Acts 16:1-10; and the Gospel from John 15:18-21. The first reading presents the second missionary journey of St. Paul to Corinth. He was accompanied by Silas, Timothy and Luke. St. Paul preferred to go to the Jews, who were impressed by his teachings. Yet, the Spirit of Jesus wishes him to go to the Gentiles. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.” (Ps.99:1). The Gospel reminds us that how we will be treated by the evil structures. Hatred towards knowing and loving the Truth and the Life is growing day by day. A willful side-lining God happens in all levels starting from our families to governmental and non-governmental organizations. The lover of non-godly are seeking for the fast relief magical powers are on the increase due to lack of knowledge and love of God. Moreover, we are chosen by Jesus to pass on His love to the rest of the world. We must not hate the others because they hate us one way or the other. It is our duty to carry on the mission of love and sacrifice to all people. If the world of evil did not hate us still, we must ask ourselves that whether we are serious about following Christ intimately. “But it will be on my account that they will do all this because they do not know the one who sent me.” (Jn.15:21). May you have a good day.

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