It is 7th June 2018. The readings are from 2 Timothy 2:8-15; and the Gospel from Mark 12:28-34. God’s word cannot be imprisoned, but the messengers of the Word could end up being in prison. There are very few things in our lives we tend to forget; God and neighbour. We conveniently forget God and our neighbour at times. Ant that is why we all need to remember and remind as many times possible to love God and one another. In the first reading, St. Paul reminds Timothy to remember what God has done in the life of a believer and to remind one another what God would do to us. God is faithful indeed at all times even when we are not faithful. Our faithfulness to the vocation we received from God must be seen in our works just not in our talks. “If we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself.” (2 Tim.2:13). The responsorial Psalm prays, “Lord make me know your ways.” (Ps.24:4). In the Gospel we are strongly reminded that we need to love God as the most important response to God’s invitation to participate divine life. We cannot compromise God’s love for anything. We need to complement our love towards the others as we care for ourselves. Our fulfilment in loving God needs to be seen in loving others. We cannot but loving other because we love God. The expressions of love of God must not neglect or undermine loving others as we are so immersed in loving ourselves. Jesus teaches us that all the other commandments and laws have the flow and origin from the love of God and others. In most instances of our lives, we never forget to love ourselves. We might be loving ourselves more than what we should and wilfully neglecting and forgetting to love the other. We have more than one reasons to love ourselves so intensely and meticulously while we have millions of excuses why we could not love the others. May we remind one another in loving God and others as we spend most of our resources for our betterment only. May you have a good day. God