It is 28th January 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church. Even though his parents initially never wished him to be a priest, yet through his sister and friends he joined the Dominican Order. His unfathomable love for the Most Holy Eucharist inspired him to write the Hymn of the Adoration which we sing during the benediction. When people had no place to sleep during a severe winter, he even allowed them to use the chapel including the adoration chapel. He is hailed as the prince of the theologians and his teachings were very much sought for and his contributions towards Theology remarkable. May we imbibe the spirit of the saint in coming closer to the Eucharistic Christ without distancing from the pain of the poor. The readings are from Hebrews 9:15, 24-28; and the Gospel from Mark 3:22-30. The first reading teaches to believe that the unmatchable sacrifice of Jesus that cleansed our sins and made God’s children. Through His own Blood, Jesus reconciled us, cleansed us completely and sanctified us and stands constantly linking us with God all the time. The reward of the salvation has to be seen in our personal faithfulness to the values of the Gospel. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Sing a new song to the Lord for God has worked wonders.” (Ps.97:1). In the Gospel we find people who attack Jesus so unfairly. The easy prey for those who live in sin wish to hide their sinfulness by constantly talking and destroying the names of those so vulnerable in the society, the easy prey and pickings. People can accuse us for having done the good things. There are many of us sharpen our tongues as swords to slash the roots of hope and peace in the lives of others. Are we using our tongues to assassinate and destroy the fame and name of the others because we do not like what they say and do? Jesus warns us seriously about our usage tongue today that “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.” (Mk.3:30). May we use our body for the glory of God and for the means of salvation not to destroy the temples of the Holy Spirit in the life of the others. May you have a good day. May God bless you.

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