It is 8th February 2019. We celebrate the memorials of Saint Jerome Emiliani, priest and Saint Josephine Bakhita, virgin. The readings are from Hebrews 13:1-8; and the Gospel is from Mark 6:14-29. One of the virtues that is soaked in love and charity is hospitality which we all must strive to have it in our life. The first reading presents the with its last chapter a list of qualities so vital for being a believer in Christ such as love for strangers, the prisoners, the abused and all those are ill-treated by the society, contentment, respecting the leaders and to fear nothing. Hospitality is the virtue that displays the core substance of love. We have the power to entertain even God when we are hospitable, charitable, loving and satisfied with what we have. What is the virtue that dominates our life and what would be the good thing for which people and the family remember us for? Virtue less life is life full of vice. The responsorial Psalm praises “The Lord is my light and my help.” (Ps.26:1). The Gospel describes the episode of the murder of John the Baptist. Where there is a mis governance and rule of lust, there is no room for dissent and freedom of speech. The leaders find ways and means to get rid of people by their prudent and calculative measure with their followers end up getting rid of the innocents and those who express the truth. Most of the times, they forget that God is watching them and will deal with them in God’s time. The pressure and the stress of a leader in making promises and failure to keep up the promise are on the increase. At times, the leaders make use of the promises to get rid of others as that of the Gospel passage. When our minds are ruled by immorality, unfaithfulness, selfishness, hunger for power and money, we do not decide rightly, justly and courageously. Some of leaders are pressurised to make decisions so swiftly and selfishly that haunt the rest of the humanity for the life time. May we try by all means to live in virtues and be less-known than living in sins and be well-known. May you have a good day. God bless you.