It is 18th November 2019. We celebrate the memorial of the Dedication of St. Peter and Paul. The readings ae from 1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-64; and the Gospel from Luke 18:35-43. Life at times seems unfair when what we treasure are suppressed by a majority. The first reading brings out such sentiments and blindness that comes by power and arrogance which refuse to see the goodness in others and their way of life. The Maccabean revolted against those who wanted to oppress the Jewish cultural traditions and customs. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Give me life, O Lord, and I will do your will.” (Ps.118:88). In the Gospel Jesus restores sight to a blind man. Unlike the leaders who chose to remain blind in the first reading, the person in the Gospel throws himself and humbled himself to encounter Jesus. The desire to see Jesus, faith in the healing power of Jesus with the uncompromised prayer from the part of the blind man brought about the desired healing. We either choose not to see Jesus because of our individualism and pride or to see Him anyhow whoever wishes to shut us down. At times, we choose to be blind spiritually when we persecute, criticise and judge others maliciously. We have calculated persecutions between the spouses in our families, the indifference we show to the children in our families. The memorial of St. Peter and Paul invite us to be the temples of the Holy Spirit that respects and loves the other person as they are with what they believe and practice. Let us deal with our inner blindness that forces us to engage in psychological, spiritual, marital, relational persecutions in our lives. May we learn to see as the Lord sees the others. May you have a good day.

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