We are the instrument of God to continue preserving the beauty of creation.

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 06th February 2023. 

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 06th February 2023.  We celebrate the memorial of Paul Miki and their companions.  We reflect on Genesis 1:1-19 and Mark 6:53-56.

Joe and Charlie are friends.  Joe is a believer and Charlie is an unbeliever.  They argued about the creation in the first chapter of Genesis.  Joe confessed that he believed the record of creation just as it was written.  Charlie being an unbeliever defended himself with theories of how the world began and then how life developed from the primordial cell through reptiles, monkeys, and up to the man.  Joe looked at him and asked, “were you there, Charlie?” He replied obviously.  Joe said, “Well, God was the only one there at work.  I believe in the art of God not the artefacts of human speculations.

These kinds of debates and discussions are endless even today among us.

Unless we are reconciled, we cannot experience the work of the Holy Spirit in creation.  God is at work always in and through love.  It is our duty and responsibility to respond to God.

God works; what about us?

Some medieval theologians explained: first God, the Creator, creates the universe, creates the heavens, the living beings. God creates.  The work of creation”.  However, “creation is not the end: God continuously supports what He created, and works to sustain what He created in order that it continues”.

Even in this beautiful creation of God, we see shadows of darkness in the form of sickness, grief, disorder and injustice.

In the Gospel, we encounter Jesus who re-creates, restores and heals through His presence and touch.  There is a desperation, and urgency to touch Jesus so vividly today as it happened in the Gospel.  “When they got out of the boat, immediately the people recognized him, and ran about the whole neighbourhood and began to bring sick people on their pallets to any place where they heard He was.  And those who touched Him were saved”.

Through participating in the Eucharistic banquet, we also experience this re-creation of Christ.  Unless we respond to the works of God, we remain wounded, broken and unproductive.

We are the instrument of God to continue preserving the beauty of creation.  Our endeavour to touch the fringe of Jesus will always make us integral and healed people.  May God bless you.

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