We are called to lead others towards good not the evil.

Good morning good people. May the Lord give you peace and good health.  It is 19th January 2024. 

Good morning good people. May the Lord give you peace and good health.  It is 19th January 2024.  We reflect on 1 Samuel 24:3-21 and Mark 3:13-19. Are we generous to God? God calls us to do good to all people especially for those who have vowed to harm us.  We are called to lead others towards good not the evil.

Our vocation is from God as a gift to love God primarily and the people around us.  It is very easy to love those who speak well of us and appreciate us.

The crux of the theology of the vocation is to love and to reconcile.  God calls us to be magnanimous in all our interpersonal and intrapersonal encounters.

Holding grudges, spreading rumours, gossip mongering, usurping power by evil means and promises, assassinating the characters of the others to deviate the attention of the others, the abuse of responsibilities for the personal gain and growth, the inappropriate relationships and lack of intimacy and communication with God would destroy the call to live, love, lead, and lacerate.

In the first reading, we reflect the admirable character of a leader of Israel.  It is always easy to comment about our leaders and criticize them.  Since we have become hyper-critical about our leaders, we do not see their struggle to be good, human, and magnanimous in dealing with the mistakes of the people.

Most of us are still happy and contented because of the benevolence shown by our leaders even though they have every means and power to rid of us.  David played fairly, prudently, mercifully when God put the life of Saul who wished to kill him in the hands of David.

At times we too are faced with such situations in our personal and public lives.

How do we let go off the ones who intended to harm us?  Have we any time in our lives wished evil for the ones who wanted us to be killed, humiliated, and trampled upon?

“May the Lord reward you for the goodness you have shown me today.” (1 Sam.24:20).

The responsorial Psalm pleads God, “Have mercy on me, God, have mercy.” (Ps.56:2).

In the Gospel, Jesus chooses and appoints the Twelve Apostles to spread His Mission of love and forgiveness to all people.

Yes indeed, we too are handpicked by Jesus to spread the Good News of love, peace, and forgiveness to all people to have the authority over the demons of the world.  How earnest and generous are we to the vocation God has offered us?

For he chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy (Eph. 1:4).

Our holiness must be seen in our loving and forgiving others even if they wish to destroy us.  We are all commissioned to proclaim and to leave the marks of love not the wounds of sin on people around us.

Kindly keep me and my companions in your prayers as we celebrate our 28th anniversary of our Ordination to priesthood.

May you have a good day.  May God bless you.

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