To serve Christ and the Church, we do not require a title and a position in the Church or outside

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 25th July 2022.

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 25th July 2022. We celebrate the feast of St. James, the apostle. We reflect on 2 Cor 4:7-15 and Mt 20:20-28.

We all are so vulnerable indeed yet more venerable in and out. “We have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” (2 Cor.4:7). Even though we are so fragile, yet we have the power of the Risen Christ imprinted in our suffering, pain, and failures. However, broken and bruised we are yet we have the power of Christ to share the resilience in restitution. It is our bounden duty to bring out life of Christ in all our dealing and desire.

The Psalmist reiterates our belief in Christ: “Those who sow in tears, shall reap with shouts of joy.” (Ps.126:5)

To serve Christ and the Church, we do not require a title and a position in the Church or outside. Unlike the mother of St. James, we need to be at the beck and call of people in need. It is only through service to the humanity we refurbish our interior being to shine like Christ. Let us put an end to our bargaining mentality and lustful and selfish motives to be at the helm of affairs. May the Lord help us to be vulnerable yet so venerable in all we do and say. God bless you.


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