To experience happiness to the full, we need to rise above our greed, selfishness, ignorance, and undue attachments to people and things

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th October

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th October 2022.  We celebrate the memorial of St Ignatius of Antioch, a martyr.  We reflect on Ephesians 2:1-10 and Luke 12:13-21.

Either we chase after something, or something is chasing after us.  “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” (Eph.2:10).

Unless we realise and relish the sweetness of grace of God in us, we will be tired, exhausted, and getting expired by now.  The realisation of what we have in Christ makes us humbler than ever before to do higher and better things in life.  St. Paul teaches us that God showed “the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”  Our richness does not come by the things we do but surely by the way we believe and live in grace offered in abundance through Christ.  We need to be assured constantly that we are all rich in mercy and grace through Jesus Christ.  There is no way we can lack anything that is spiritual.  “The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.”  (Ps.23:1).

What good works are we doing right now that enhance our perception of realities?

The Psalmist claims, “The Lord made us, we belong to him.” (Ps.100:3).

Hence let us not get stuck with what struggle and suffer.  To experience happiness to the full, we need to rise above our greed, selfishness, ignorance, and undue attachments to people and things.  Pleasures never satisfy us; it makes us long for more and gets entangled into addictions that would blindfold our capacity to experience grace and mercy in Christ.

Our willingness to share and be contented are the keys to creating new avenues of availability, accountability, and transparency of all that we have.  The more we hoard for ourselves, the more we harm the sensibility of others and segregate sacredness from our life.   “And the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So, it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.” (Lk.12:21).  May the Lord open our hearts to share more to experience scores of graces and mercy in our life.  God bless you.

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