There is so much to be preached and shared

May the Lord give you peace.  It is on 14th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30

May the Lord give you peace.  It is on 14th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30 and Matthew 10:16-23.

The Gospel encourages us to be alert and smart in proclaiming the Good News and working for the suffering humanity.  “Remember, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be cunning as serpents and yet as harmless as doves.” (Mt.10:16).

Our faith and service are not a part-time profession.  We have to be committed round the clock and be prudent in all that we are and what we do.  There is no way to go back and relax when we have achieved something for the kingdom of God.  There is so much to be preached and shared.

The evil ones are also engaging in their preaching, propaganda, fake news, and intentional distraction and destruction of all that we have built and preached.  We are the messengers who need to be cautious and alert in spreading the Good News that God loves the world against all odds of the wolves, serpents, and dragons.  Let us not be afraid about who is going to betray and bury us alive.

Our own families, siblings will betray us, spy on us, expose us and punish us at times.  They can persecute us and punish us and not allow us to be the person we wish to be in our lives.

Let us be honest, truthful, sincere, and smart working people.  There are more wolves around us than we have seen so far, yet God looks after every move of our lives.  May we be wise and fearless in believing and living the demands of the Lord daily and be rewarded.

May God bless you and have a good day.

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