The voices of innocents are still heard in our communities and families.

Good morning good people, May the Baby Jesus bless you with His peace and joy.  It is on

Good morning good people,

May the Baby Jesus bless you with His peace and joy.  It is on 28th December 2023.  We celebrate the memorial of Holy Innocents, martyrs.  We reflect on 1 John 1:5 – 2:2 and Matthew 2:13-18.

Are we hurting the Innocent today? Or ignoring the innocence?

In every community, we have people personified as Herod who hurt innocent children even in the most technologically developed era.  Cybercrimes, abductions, and abuses have been perpetrated by so many starting from our families, the most trusted space.

Children are innocent indeed but not holy.  They too need God’s blessings and protection through loving parents, families, and communities.

Mother Mary, and Joseph, even though they were poor yet ready to be an umbrella of protection Jesus needed at that time.  Fleeing from Herod to Egypt was the safe response the parents of Jesus could offer at that time.

Under the banner of discipline, manners, and cultural ethos, many strangulate the windpipes of freedom for the children around.

The Church, the Community and the families of God need to protect our families from the violence and hostility of modern days’ Herod.  Children remain innocent and vulnerable and so they are helpless.  The innocent children died for Jesus and did a great good of protecting the Saviour of the Word without knowing.

The voices of innocents are still heard in our communities and families.  “A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more.” (Mt. 2:18).

Let us do everything to protect our children the evil hands, and hearts of the Herods of today.  May God bless our children.

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