The power of Jesus that calmed the storm can also help us deal with the problems we face

May the Lord give you peace.  It is 04th July 2023. We reflect on Genesis 19:15-29 and Mt.

May the Lord give you peace.  It is 04th July 2023.

We reflect on Genesis 19:15-29 and Mt. 8:23-27.

The first reading brings out the post-destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  The people of those cities are mesmerised by the culture of pleasures ignoring God and the wellspring of life.  God could punish us when we fail to obey God.

Look at what had happened to the wife of Lot.  Even though God brought them out of the pleasure-seeking communities, before he could rain sulphur and salt, she did not want to listen and had “turned into a pillar of salt.” (Gen. 19:26).

God punishes sin.  God is God of mercy, more anxious to pardon than to punish.  Lot was given a favour from God because of Abraham.  Our relationship with others are based on the love of God and the love of other, we will be always spared by God.

The responsorial Psalm reminds us, “Your love, O Lord, is before my eyes.” (Ps.25:3).

In Gospel we see Jesus out on the lake with the disciples when a storm blows up and the disciples panic. Jesus calms the storm showing them his power and authority even over nature itself. Jesus wanted to teach them a lesson of faith through this storm.  Every storm happens in our life for a reason.  We do not need to panic like the disciples on the boat.  “You of little faith, why are you so afraid” (Mt. 8:26).  When our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is weak, we begin to feel God cannot or won’t work in that situation.  It is through the eyes of faith, we begin to notice who God is amidst tossing of waves.  The power of Jesus that calmed the storm can also help us deal with the problems we face.

In life, when things go beyond our control, we mostly wonder whether God cares.  Yes, surely God does care.  We need faith to realise that God truly cares.  Peace is permanent wherever Jesus is present.  The disciples on the boat were fully aware of the power of the storm and harm but did not realise the mighty presence that could handle any unexpected events of life.  It looks as though Jesus rests while we are so restless.  “Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a dead calm.” (Mt. 8:26).

Lord, you alone know the storm that stunts and shatters our lives, “Save us, Lord, we are going down”.  May we not discount Jesus during the times of unexpected storms in our lives.  May God bless you.  May God bless you.

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