The more we take others near the Lord, the closer we come to Him

May the Lord kindly bless you with good health and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is 30th

May the Lord kindly bless you with good health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 30th June 2022. We reflect on Amos 7:10-17 and Matthew 9:1-8.

We celebrate the memorial of the First Martyrs of Rome and in the Apostolic Vicariate of Arabia, it is the Day of Prayer for Martyrs of Yemen.

“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved,” says Victor Hugo, a French poet and novelist.

Two ants fell into a fast and ferociously running river. One ant used its might and power to stop the river while another was enjoying the flow and fragrance of the cool running water. At last, both crossed the river. One was hurt and broken and the other one was ready to take on a much tougher journey ahead.

Life is like a river in which we live and move around. Either we can try controlling it

We have two courageous people namely the prophet Amos and Jesus. The prophet put his life at risk by speaking for God as Jesus was condemned and criticised to the core for healing a paralysed man.

A portion of everyone’s life is either frozen, fossilised, or paralysed due to the unreconciled and the unhealed past. The choice is ours. We can continue to remain hurt or come to the Lord for healing. God forgives us beyond measure when we keenly listen and lean on Jesus for integral healing.

Seeing the faith of those who carried the paralysed man, Jesus said to the paralytic, “Courage, my child, your sins are forgiven,” How do we feel when we hear, “‘Your sins are forgiven,”?

Which is better and benefiting? Pointing the sins or providing means to get rid of sins? It is better not to point out if it does not bring about healing in others. At times, we point out only to highlight our views and the beliefs that worked for us. There are innumerable ways of being healed by God yet to be tried by humanity.

Let us stop bombarding others by pointing out their brokenness, sinfulness and failures rather than help others to participate and receive the free gift of healing. We need each other in experiencing the healing power of the Lord. The more we take others near the Lord, the closer we come to Him. We truly depend on each other in relating with the Lord. Our personal relationship with the Lord somehow impacts or influences the other to the Lord. “So that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” May God give us the courage to take others closer to Him.


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