The desire to prosper and craving for power is the mindsets that make us be arrogant and proud of replacing God

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 16th August 2022.

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 16th August 2022. We celebrate the Saint Stephen of Hungary. We reflect on Ezekiel 28:1-10 and Matthew 19:23-30.

Sin happens in an attitude that is peculiar to all of us that either ignores or equals God. Material affluence, pride, and idolizing mentality of the ruler of Tyre led him to claim himself to be God, and equal to God.

The desire to prosper and craving for power is the mindsets that make us be arrogant and proud of replacing God. “Because your heart is proud and you have said, “I am a god; I sit in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas,” yet you are but a mortal, and no god, though you compare your mind with the mind of a god.” (Ez.28:1). The attitude makes us be far from God and to those who suffer.

Jesus sternly warns us to be aware of this attitude we grow up with time and to become humble to win God’s favour. “It will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mt.19:23). “But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” (Mt.19:30).

Whether God tests us, or we test God by being rich, wealthy, and prosperous, we need to choose God and eventually, that allows us to experience God’s love and mercy. May God help us humble ourselves not fumble in loving God and showing mercy to the needy. God bless you.

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