The choices we make us either happy or unhappy, near God or far from God, to be near other or to alienate the others

It is  18th February 2021.  The readings are from Deuteronomy 30:15-20; and the Gospel from Luke 9:22-25. What

It is  18th February 2021.  The readings are from Deuteronomy 30:15-20; and the Gospel from Luke 9:22-25.

What is the one thing would I like to deal with or to get rid of it during this time of Lent?   We are not expected to be a saint over night or just during the season of Lent alone.

The choices we make us either happy or unhappy, near God or far from God, to be near other or to alienate the others.

“Today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and holding fast to him.” (Deut.30:19).


There is a thin line between need and greed, adversity and advantage.  It is all up to us to choose.  Life, blessings and grace comes from God and through a constant partnership with God.  Lent invites us to examine our nearness with God.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “Happy are they who hope in the Lord.” (Ps. 40:4).

It is a time to assess our spiritual life that affects all others.  When we take care of the life of the spirit all the rest fall in place indeed.  Change is the key of the Lent.  What do we want to change in us personally?  Let us not waste time praying for the conversion of the other?  It is me-time with my-God.  It is personal, intimate and informative.

The Gospel too invites us to prioritize God.  To keep God in front of our lives, we need to decide to let go that one thing that occupies the place of God in our life.  Have a lovely day and God bless you.

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