Fasting is not forgoing something, but it is an act of going-for and far-going for those in need and taking a stand for justice

It is 19th February 2021.    The readings are from Isaiah 58:1-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:14-15. In

It is 19th February 2021.    The readings are from Isaiah 58:1-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:14-15.

In every one of us there is light, fire and warmth inside of us.  This begins to burn, enlighten and embrace when we recognize the need of the other more than our wants.  There is a new way of fasting desired by God for us all during the Lent.

Fasting is not forgoing something, but it is an act of going-for and far-going for those in need and taking a stand for justice.  Fasting need not be an outward show to attract the admiration and applause from people around but it is an act known to God alone not to anyone.

It is easy to reduce food than to reduce anger, lust, selfishness, pride, and all types of sins that corrode our being.  It is easy to fast physically than spiritually.  Spiritual fasting involves the welfare of the other person.  By reaching out to the hungry, the naked, and the homeless are our focus during the Lent. Even though there is a naked, hungry and homeless person in each one of us, yet by recognizing the ones outside, we begin the process of healing right within.  By feeding, caring and providing the persons around us, we have unconsciously met the needs of the wounded, and broken person right within ourselves. It is not about how good have I become personally during the Lent rather how many people’s lives I have touched matters.

Yes, it is the time to open our hearts, and homes towards the other.  In the first reading, the prophet clarifies about what type of fasting God is interested during this special time of the year.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “A humbled, contrite heart, O Lord, you will not spurn.”  (Ps.51:17).

In answering the question of fasting, Jesus replied that in the absence of Him, we all need to fast.  What makes us feel the absence of Jesus in our lives?  Our choices coupled with the feeling of not having the need of God in our life, we can feel the absence of Jesus.  It is in this state, we are bloated with pride, ego and selfishness that tends to take God for granted in Jesus.  Hence, let us revisit our understanding of fasting and please God by reaching out to those in need by our fasting and penance.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you.

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