It is 1st March 2017. We observe the Ash Wednesday. A day of fasting and abstinence. The ash that is blessed distributed and placed on our foreheads to proclaim a fast. The act of placing the ash is indeed a call for spiritual purification. By this act, we profess that we are guilty of our […]

It is 28th February 2017. The readings are from Sir. 35:1-12; and the Gospel Mark 10:28-31. The first reading clarifies about our attitude towards the offering we owe to Lord daily. Many a times, we break our heads and hearts to decide how much must we offer to the Lord. We must be generous to […]

It is 27th February 2017. The readings are from Sir.17:24-29; and the Gospel from Mark 10:17-27. The first reading teaches us that our final analysis of our lives must rest in the Lord by our sincere efforts to return to the Lord on a daily basis just because we are so much falling into the […]

It is 26th February 2017. We celebrate the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Isaiah 49:14-15; the second reading is from 1Corinthians 4:1-5; and the Gospel from Matthew 6:24-34. We are gently reminded on this Sunday about the faithful love of God and protection exceeding the love of a mother. In the […]

It is 25th February 2017. The readings are from Sir. 17:1-15; and the Gospel from Mark 10:13-16. The first reading encourages us to believe and accept in love, mutual respect and obedience to the Lord as the hallmark of our successful, peaceful and blessing-filled life on earth for all people. No one can live as […]

It is 24th February 2017. The readings are from Sir. 6:5-17; and the Gospel from Mark 10:1-12. The first reading instructs us about having a true and a faithful friend in our lives. It is the rarest of the rare in humankind to cherish the company of a faithful friend. These days, we all have […]

It is 23rd February 2017. We have the memorial of St Polycarp, Bishop and the Martyr. The readings are from Sir. 5:1-8; and the Gospel from Mark 9:41-50. The first reading very blunt in telling us that we cannot add sin after sin believing God’s mercy would forgive and make us clean. And we must […]

It is 22nd February 2017. We celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St Peter, the Apostle. This is the earliest feast since 4th century. We celebrate the unity of the Church under one leadership of the Vicar of Christ, St. Peter. The readings are from 1 Peter 5:1-4; and the Gospel from Matthew 16:13-19. […]

It is 21st February 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor. The readings are from Sir.2:1-11; and the Gospel from Mark 9:30-37. The first reading teaches us that testing by the Lord is inevitable for the one want to serve God. We need to cling to God no matter who […]

It is 20th February 2017. The readings are from Sir.1:1-10 and the Gospel Mark 9:14-29. The first reading teaches us that wisdom comes from God. If we have the reverential fear to the Lord, so we have the wisdom of the Lord. when we get used to the Lord and lose the utmost respect and […]