It is 19th August 2017. The readings are from Joshua 24:14-29; and the Gospel from Matthew 19:13-15. In the 1st reading, it is said that Joshua died at a hundred and ten years old. A perfect leader is the one who unites all people and make them to pledge their allegiance to God before the leader departs physically from the people. Joshua did exactly as the perfect leader would do. He brought all the tribes of Israel together and made them to renew their pledge to God and to promise leaving the foreign gods. A perfect leader leads by example. Joshua demonstrated his faith personally and publicly. “As for me in my House, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). This reflects our theme of the year in our archdiocese. Uniting the people under God is the reward God gives to a leader who spent believing in God. A selfish and sinful leader divides the nation in pieces and in the heat of tribal divisions, the leader and the family basks and loots the inheritance of the people. Unlike Moses, Joshua did not choose a successor; he allowed the people to choose their leader freely. The responsorial Psalm prays, “You are my inheritance, O Lord.” (Ps.15:5). In the Gospel, Jesus wants the children to be allowed to come near Him. “Let the little children alone, and do not stop them coming to me; for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs.” (Mt.19:14). Jesus welcomes and wants to embrace the simple trust and faith of a child. Our true and lasting inheritance is God and so we need allow our children to possess the everlasting inheritance by allowing them to know, love and to become friends of Jesus. How often do we allow our children to familiarize and to become friend of Jesus? At times, we pressurize our children to master so many things except the friendship with Jesus. We make so many choices for the welfare of the children in our families. But when it comes for knowing and loving God, we want them to do it for themselves. Our children know many things but not been introduced by us to a loving, caring and protecting God and His Only Beloved Son Jesus. Purity, simplicity and spontaneity are in our children and therefore it is our bounden duty to introduce Jesus to the young minds and make them to be hold on to Him at all times. May God grant us the courage to lead others to Christ. May you have a good day.

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