It is 24th February 2018. The readings are from Deuteronomy 26:16-19; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:43-48. God wants a very special connection and a blessing on us as long as we are able to lean on the commandments and to follow them. Everlasting happiness is obtained and reached only by the adherence of the […]
It is 14th February 2018. We celebrate the Ash Wednesday. We enter into Lent, the most special time for our spiritual welfare leading us to have a personal conversion through this penitential time of the Church. Everyone is invited by the mother Church to engage in repentance through fasting, prayer and almsgiving. It is not […]
It is 13th February 2018. The readings are from James 1:12-18; and the Gospel from Mark 8:14-21. We feel tempted so frequently than we feel so deeply blessed. We are the fountains of the temptations that unleashes the power of a river to destroy oneself and others. God does not tempt us at all but […]
It is 10th February 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St Scholastica, Virgin. Scholastica is the patron saint of nuns, and her intercession is invoked against storms and rain. The readings are from 1 Kings 12:26-32; 13:33-34 and the Gospel from Mark 8:1-10. There is a hunger in every one of us. Some of us […]
It is 9th February 2018. The readings are from1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19 and the Gospel from Mark 7:31-37. We all pass by here on earth only one time; let us build and unite people around us not to destroy communities for our selfish motives. Some of us are given responsibilities and influential positions to help […]
It is 8th February 2018. We celebrate the memorials of St Jerome Emiliani, priest; and St Josephine Bakhita, virgin. The first reading is from 1 Kings 11:4-13 and the Gospel from Mark 7:24-30. The resources of God never get exhausted in our lives. But it is our unfaithfulness and faithlessness on God makes things seem […]
It is 6th February 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Sts Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs. The readings are from 1 Kings 8:22-23,27-30 and the Gospel from Mk.7:1-13. Colouring the religion with the hidden cultural secrets and traditional strings darken the beauty and the core of the religion and diminishing the freedom of religion to […]