It is 20th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22; and the Gospel from Mark 8:22-26. Patience pleases God while impatience impeaches God. Impatience blinds the vision of God in our life gradually. How patient are we in times of difficulties? God knows us that our hearts are so spontaneously leaning on the […]

It is 19th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; and the Gospel from Mark 8:14-21. God is capable of punishing us when we sin as God cannot stop rewarding us and fill us with blessings whenever we do good. The readings suggest the frustration of God and Jesus on humanity and […]

It is 18th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 4:1-5, 25; and the Gospel from Mark 8:11-13. A responsible and caring love chases all kinds of jealousy and unnecessary anger in us. We all have the power and potentialities to do the best for the other when see them as an extension our existence […]

It is 17th February 2019. We are in the 6th Sunday of the Ordinary time. “Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold. Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name.” (Ps.31:3-4). The readings are from Jer.17:5-9.1; the second reading is from 1 […]

It is 15th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 3:1-8; and the Gospel from Mark 7:31-37. It is when we have chosen wilfully to be deaf to God and the Word of God, we are beginning to adhere someone or something that teaches us to do the contrary things against God. Who is in […]

It is 14th February 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Cyril, Monk and St Methodius, Bishop, Patrons of Europe. The readings are from Genesis 2:18-25; and the Gospel from Mark 7:24-30. May the celebrations of Valentine’s day bring us closer to each other in love, respect and faithfulness. Let us vow to uphold love […]

It is 12th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 1:20-2:4; and the Gospel from Mark 7:1-13. It is hard to modify and recreate something anew when someone has already accomplished something. It is so easy to point fingers and criticize what others have already accomplished. We are all potentially creators equal to God. God […]

It is 11th February 2019. We celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. On11th February 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary made her first apparition to Bernadette as a 14-yr-old peasant girl and her sister at a cave. Mother Mary appeared to her 18 times asking her pray for priest and for the conversion of […]

It is 10th February 2019. We are in the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Isaiah 6:1-8; the second reading is from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; and the Gospel from Luke 5:1-11. God’s call is for all yet those who are able to deal with their sinfulness respond more accurately than those who […]

It is 9th February 2019. The readings are from Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; and the Gospel from Mark 6:30-34. Our rest and relaxation must not result in restlessness and laziness. Most of us work so hard to earn our living. We plan so much for the day daily. We still feel that we could have achieved […]