It is 25th 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Gregory VII, pope and Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, virgin. The readings are from Acts 16:1-10; and the Gospel from John 15:18-21. Whenever the opportunities seem to shrink around, we go into negativity. But if we believe and to listen to the voice of God, […]

It is 23rd May 2019. The readings are from Acts 15:7-21; and the Gospel from John 15:9-11. There is a vast difference between happiness and joy. Happiness comes by our effort and endeavours in succeeding or obtaining something we longed for while joy comes from the Spirit of God for having worked for Christ and […]

It is 22nd May 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Rita of Cascia who was an Italian widow and later became Augustinian nun. She is patroness for abused wives and mourning women and looked up for her exemplary married life. The readings are from Acts 15:1-6; and the Gospel from John 15:1-8. We need […]

It is 21st May 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Christopher Magallanes and companions, martyrs. On 21st May 2000, St. John Paul II canonised all these 21 priests and three lay people who were martyred over 22 years in eight Mexican states for the sake of Catholic faith. The readings are from Acts 14:19-28; […]

It is 20th May 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Bernadine of Siena, Priest. A Franciscan priest, theologian, reformer, and popular preacher throughout Italy; he was a promoter of devotion to the Name of Jesus. The readings are from Acts 14:5-18; and the Gospel from John 14:21-26. Worshiping human as god is a wilful […]

It is 19 May 2019. We are celebrating the Fifth Sunday of Easter. The readings are from Acts 14:21-27; the second reading is from Revelations 21:1-5; and the Gospel from John 13:31-35. Life without love is indeed a hell. Loveless life is man made for one’s own selfish cause. We live in a society, where […]

It is 18th May 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St. John I, pope and martyr. Just three years a pope faced tremendous oppositions from every side, found fault for not doing enough and eventually he died of neglect and ill treatment of starvation and exhaustion in the prison. The readings are from Acts 13:44-52; […]

It is 17th May 2019. The readings are from Acts 13:26-33; and the Gospel from John 14:1-6. There are many ways for happiness, peace and security while Jesus is the only one way to salvation. At times, we are troubled and broken-hearted when we daily witness the evil seems to be taking an upper hand […]

It Is 16th May 2019. The readings are from Acts 13:13-25; and the Gospel from John 13:16-20. The intention of God is that we all become the messengers for the message of the Lord. Our identity comes with the intimacy with Jesus. If the message of Christ and the person of Jesus is absent then […]

It is 14th May 2019. We celebrate the Feast of St Matthias, Apostle. The Apostles chose him as the replacement for Judas. Discerning between Barsabas and Matthias, the elders of the Church humbled themselves in prayer and asking the Holy Spirit to help them to choose the person God wanted for the Church. The criteria […]