Our happiness depends on our trust. 

May the Lord give you peace and blessings in the Holy Spirit.  It is 27th May 2024. We

May the Lord give you peace and blessings in the Holy Spirit.  It is 27th May 2024.

We reflect on 1 Peter 1:3-9 and Mark 10:17-27.

Are we happy with what we are and what we do?

Our happiness comes by hoping for eternal life.  Our faith in the Lord Jesus strengthens our hope.  Yet the challenges and difficulties we face in day today’s life, questions our faith.  To make our faith to grow and become strong, we need to open our hearts to God’s love.  We need to love God more and more.

Our happiness depends on our trust.

A mere adherence to a bunch of laws does not qualify us for eternal life.  The treasure in Heaven depends on the measure of love we share with the needy and the poor.

It is so hard to let go off the things we love and treasure in our life.  The renunciation of status and wealth for the sake of the Kingdom of God is key to happiness in life.

The more we have, the more we want is the empirical reality in most of our lives.  A new life and a rebirth are possible when we let go of the grip of wealth.  “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” (Mk.10:27)

God’s blessings are found in meeting the needs of the poor.  Have a peaceful day.

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