Our happiness and joy are found only in Christ not in the fleeting pleasure that offers a temporary relief to our existence

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 13th September 2023.  We celebrate

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 13th September 2023.  We celebrate the Memorial of St John Chrysostom, Bishop and the Doctor of the Church.  We reflect on Colossians 3:1-11 and Luke 6:20-26.

A Christian life is a regular attempt to bring Christ and the values of the Kingdom daily.

There must be a characteristic difference in the way we believe and live for Christ.  A Christian must not compromise with this world when it comes to following Jesus without sowing the seeds of hatred and divisions.

St. Paul admonishes the Colossians that the Sacrament of Baptism has washed them clean and made them spotless and therefore they need to remain spotless without getting contaminated by the worldly sewer until they meet the Lord Jesus in person.

It is through the Sacrament of Baptism that We are reborn and become the child of God.  Baptism is not a cleansing ritual; it is by which one embarks on the journey of a new life in Christ Jesus.

Our happiness and joy are found only in Christ not in the fleeting pleasure that offers a temporary relief to our existence.

Food and pleasures cannot satisfy human living conditions rather it is the approval and recognition by our Lord Himself through the members of the Church.  Let Christ shine in all we do and say in this world.

A believer in Christ needs to put on Christ not as a coat but as a mortification to oppose and witness Christ in this world.  One needs to work on the perceptions and attitudes that characterize the Christian and beware of all the illusions and distortions of the ever-enchanting and alluring world.

Our spiritual life must have prayer, penance, and charity as the characteristic marks of a true believer in Christ.   A new person needs to be seen and felt by all who come in conduct after being baptized as a Christian.

The Gospel presents with the Beatitudes and the opposites.  It is the blueprint for our spiritual life and a road map to Heaven.  It is our need for God in our lives to alter the demands of the world.

The hunger within each one of us cannot be simplified and satisfied with the satisfaction of the peripherals.  Our happiness lies only in God and God alone is sufficient and all others are just passing by.  To enjoy the fullness of joy and happiness, one needs to stand up for Christ and live a radical Christian life respecting and including every human being on board.  May you have a good day.  May God bless you.

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