Neither the planter nor the waterer matters: only God, who made things grow

May the Lord fill you with grace and bless you with health and happiness. It is 31st August

May the Lord fill you with grace and bless you with health and happiness.

It is 31st August 2022. We reflect on 1 Corinthians 3:1-9; and Luke 4:38-44.

What looks like an obstacles, hurdles and hindrances could be potentially the opportunities of growth. It is not all about our birth, parenting but about growth in maturity with Christ. So, individual could claim for the growth and achievement in someone but God alone. All growth and development come from God. “Neither the planter nor the waterer matters: only God, who made things grow.” (1 Cor.3:7)

When we believe and behave like someone guided by God, we rise above all divisions and difficult situations. There is no need to have a patronage and branding of somebody, but to realise we are fellow travellers, pilgrims, contributors in this beautiful world for the growth of the others and the betterment of the community.

Envy, jealousy, competition, and internal fights poison and inject toxic materials against growth. It is time to give credit to God in our life. Because “We are fellow workers with God; you are God’s farm, God’s building.”

In the Gospel, we witness the healing power of Jesus on display. Just like the people and the mother-in-law of Peter, we are healed to be at the service of the community and for others. God chooses us to do good. The Psalmist prays, “Happy the people the Lord has chosen as his own.” It is our spiritual endeavour to recognise Jesus, the Son of God who came for all people.

Just because we are good and doing good, many will be depending on us and looking for us. The lesson Jesus offers us to move on working because of the shortage of labourers and the enormity of the work. We all need to move to challenging situations and people that to those who are praising and singing our glory. That is the Christian nobility and power of love. May God bless us our effort in spreading his love for all people beyond our petty issues.


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