Jesus assures us that God hears our prayers and answers our prayers in His time

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is 11th October 2023. We reflect on

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is 11th October 2023. We reflect on Malachi 3:13-20 and Luke 11:5-13.

To be good and faithful is not spiritual gambling.

At times, we get frustrated for being honest, trusting, and believing in God about what we see on the ground. We easily give up on God when the evil is seemingly blessed and enjoying. We feel at times it is not worth being good and faithful to God. But God rejects the accusation of the good and faithful people.

The first reading teaches us that God values the good and the faithful and God records the good deeds of people in the book of life. God’s patience is the reward for those who place their trust in God.

The judgment day answers all the harsh and unkind attitudes we have towards God. We are the special possession of God just because we are faithful and good.

The lifestyle and belief system of evil must not alter our faithfulness to God. God promises us to deal with the arrogant and the evil-doers erasing them to their roots. “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will shine out with the healing in its rays.” (Malachi 3:20).

The responsorial Psalm praises, “Happy are they who have placed their trust in the Lord.” (Ps.39:5).

Persistence in life and perseverance in spiritual life surely reward the one who asks the right thing from God. Our prayer needs to be persistent and to have the tone of perseverance, the untiringly asking for one thing that God is sure to give us.

It is not the material thing Jesus wants us to ask God but the Holy Spirit. However innumerable unsuccessful attempts we have so far in asking the wrong thing, we are taught today that we obtain the power of the Holy Spirit by persistent pleading from God.

Leaning on God, believing God alone could offer, and patiently waiting to receive what is promised is the spiritual mindset we all require in spiritual life. Perseverance in prayer builds and cements our trust in God. Through our prayer, we may not obtain the menial things of life yet we are sure to obtain the courage, joy, and power of embracing the will of God by the Holy Spirit.

The answers to our prayer solely depend on our consistency in prayer. Jesus loves friendship. Our friendship is possible through prayerful communication. We are called to experience the friendship with Jesus.

Prayer is a matter of heart that cares for the welfare of the other not one’s own alone. The insistence of our request depends on our faith even in odd moments in taking care of our neighbor.

Prayer increases our communion with others and think for the welfare of others even if we have to go through inconveniences and humiliation.

Jesus assures us that God hears our prayers and answers our prayers in His time.  We must not be tired when God takes His time to answer.  It is our persistence and perseverance in our prayer life that builds our trust in the Lord and makes us consistent in our prayer.

Our prayer life needs to be unwavering and regular no matter how horrible the seasons of life treat us.  Let us have regular communication with the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity always to find the will of God.

“How much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”(Lk.11:13).

May you have a good day. May God bless you.

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