God works through every one of us and those insignificant moments in everyone’s story

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th December 2022.

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 17th December 2022.

We reflect on Genesis 49:2, 8-10, and Matthew 1:1-17.

As we begin the novena for Christmas,

Do we know and value our roots?

As Jacob blessed his offspring, so God wants to bless us.  Let us come around God, as we say ERO CRAS; each letter denotes the intention of God to come into our lives.

Some beginnings are humbling while others are tumbling and hobbling.  But we read about the birth of the Messiah connecting various dots to trace the design of God for humanity.  The narration of genealogy is not merely history but is the story of God’s salvation through the noble and ignoble lives of our ancestors.

It is in no way surprising to read between the lines the clear purpose and desire of God in redeeming the fallen humanity with the fragile and vulnerable characters of human history.

God did not need superhuman power to save the world.  God works through every one of us and those insignificant moments in everyone’s story.

No matter where and when we are born, our families and their connections are so priceless, precious, and pertinent to the significance of God’s presence permeating with the light of Christ.  The continuation of God’s love with the connection of Christ in our life cannot be overlooked.

God chooses person over behaviour and acknowledges humanity over history.

May our prayer be of inviting Jesus, the Wisdom of the Father into our lives.  God bless you.

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