Finding God and falling in love with God is the primary task of every believer more particularly a disciple

  Dear People of God, All the three reading invite us to reflect about the cost of discipleship.


Dear People of God,

All the three reading invite us to reflect about the cost of discipleship.

In the first reading talks about depending on God even amidst challenges, in the second reading to offer our very selves to God as sacrifice and emulating the master in the Gospel.  “O Lord, you have enticed me, and I was enticed; you have overpowered me, and you have prevailed.” (Jer.20:7).  The first reading sheds light through the lament of Jeremiah on his inner struggle in serving God. Can God take a ride on our life or Can God deceive?

In going through suffering, Jesus, the Messiah and Jeremiah, the messenger stand closer to each other.  We normally do not enjoy listening to the one who points out our life for a change.  We are happy and comfortable listening to someone who tells jokes, stories, plays music and dance.  Not many of us wants the job of leading and enlightening others these days with the exposure of being blamed and mocked.  A true disciple has a fire within to ignite the heart of stone and indifference.  God is not looking for a sensational disciple rather a suffering disciple.

A disciple without discipline, sanctity without sacrifice, redemption without resurrection

The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God” (Ps.63:1).

What is the value of our discipleship?  Renouncing, losing, carrying, and presenting are not the self-defeating words in our spiritual life.  The cost of discipleship consists in our willingness to scrutinize our comfort zone.  It tills deeper our standards and views on life and happiness.

The cost of discipleship comes in by continuing to pass on love and goodness without break.  God does not promise immunity from persecution and hatred of people for working for God and the Church.

Discipleship is a matter of trust.

A guru and a disciple were travelling by a ship.  They were talking about God and spiritual life and the madness of materialism.  As the night approached, the guru took all his valuable and gave to the captain of the ship and told that he did not believe his disciple.  The captain smiled at him because before the guru came to give his valuables, the disciples came to the captain and told that he did not believe his guru with his valuables.

Discipleship is not talking piety and following some rules and rubrics.  It is a vocation to love and trust the other human being and willing to see God in the other.

Everyone of us here present is facing something in life we do not like or happy about.  Suffering and pain suffocate our existence, we look for a way out.

Finding God and falling in love with God is the primary task of every believer more particularly a disciple.

Falling in love is a developmental score happens in every one of us.  We are seduced and enticed by someone in whom we have a liking that leads us to loving.

When we have fallen in love with God, we will do anything to do God’s will.

In the second reading, St. Paul suggests that the best thing for a disciple is to offer one’s body as a sacrifice in a worship.

Young girl who was travelling a long distance in the night.  All of us sudden something happened to her car and car stopped in the middle of the road.  It was so dark, and she was worried and afraid desperately calling and stopping everyone who was passing by.  No one stopped for her and no could reach her because she travelled a considerable distance.

Peter expected from Jesus how He should be.  Jesus rejected it.  For a fruitful disciple does not live by expectations but by expressions of humility and obedience.

Being altruistic is he goal of every disciple.  The garland of love cannot be discontinued.  Jesus unleashed the power of love gushed out from the Cross need to continue in our losing, renouncing, carrying and presenting ourselves.

Jesus presents us with two ways of life. one is paved with suffering, sacrifice and sanctity; the other one moulded in pleasure, enjoyment and sinfulness.  The path of life and the path of death are always before us.  “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your children may live, (Duet. 30:19).

A good disciple is the one who chooses life and promotes life in turn and turf of life.  Preconceived idea of Jesus does not help us to accept the suffering servant of Yahweh.

Peter who professed Jesus as the Messiah wanted Him to be protected from suffering.  Great temptations and moving away from God’s perspectives can come even from those who love us and protect us.  ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me’. Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness for an easy way out in facing the difficult life situation.  Jesus rejected it.

Jesus demands a true commitment all through our life.  “If anyone (not just the heroic martyr or the saint) wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.”  Renouncing oneself is not a suppression of our life but the expression of it.

Some of us are looking for a painkiller church, anaesthesia church, and prosperity church.  But Jesus wants us to follow a path and enter the narrow way that leads to eternal life.    There is no crown without cross.  We all love crows, success and blessings.

We may have professed our faith like Peter, yet we can become a stumbling block or an object of temptation to someone by overprotecting and afraid to face suffering and challenges of life.  To be a fruitful disciple of Christ let us emulate the Lord himself in taking up the cross and follow Him no matter what.  “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.2:5).

May our commitment, faithfulness and sacrifices brings us happiness, freedom and peace in the Holy Spirit.

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