Do our plans include God?

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 04th February 2023. 

May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 04th February 2023.  We reflect on Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21 and Mark 6:30-34.

Do our plans include God?

Several years ago, a young priest was called to be pastor of a large parish.  He was asked how he thought that he, a young man with little pastoral experience, would be able to please so many men and women.  He replied, “I am not going there to please one thousand people, but to please the One, Jesus my Lord and Saviour.”

“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mk. 6:31)

Some of us are worn out or burned out due to innumerable jobs, commitments and promises we have to fulfil in our life.  By the time, our life becomes meaningful, we lose the meaning of service and charity.  Unless we are willing to find time to be docile to the Spirit of the Lord, we may not experience the One for whom we serve.

As an old proverb states: “The wind does not shatter whatever is able to bend.” His Holiness Pope Francis shared three valuable inputs in serving the Lord.  He suggested to the religious, and priests to overcome three things to be fruitful in serving the Lord.  He said, “We need to overcome spiritual mediocrity; to overcome the temptation of worldly comfort, of the easy life, in which we more or less arrange everything and stand back, seeking our own comfort, dragged along without enthusiasm and to overcome the temptation to superficiality.”

Only then we all can execute plans that include God.

Yes, “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” May God help us include Him to serve the Lord without being a slave to the service.  God bless you.

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